Vietnamese Dominican Sister of Mary Immaculate ProvinceSister of the Most Holy Rosary of JerusalemSister of the DestituteSister of the Blessed Korean MartyrsOblate of the Risen ChristMissionary Sister of the Holy FamilyMissionary Sister of the Blessed Virgin Mary Queen of MercyLover of the Holy CrossFranciscan Sister of the Family of MaryFranciscan of the Militia of the ImmaculateDaughter of Our Lady of the Holy RosaryFranciscan Clarist NunMISSIONARY OF CHARITY INDIAMARY QUEEN OF HEAVEN MISSIONARY PHILIPPINESLEAVEN OF THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY PHILIPPINESKKOTTONGNAE SISTER OF JESUS SOUTH KOREASISTER OF SAINT FRANCIS XAVIER BURMAFRANCISCAN MISSIONARY OF OUR LADY OF SORROWS CHINACONGREGATION OF THE SISTERS OF MARY SOUTH KOREACHINESE SISTER OF SAINT JOSEPH CHINACATECHIST SISTER OF MARY IMMACULATE HELP OF CHRISTIANS INDIAASSISI SISTER OF MARY IMMACULATE INDIABOLINAO POOR CLARE NUNFather Peter of the Vietnamese MartyrsNha Trang Carmelite NunFRANCISCAN MISSIONARY OF MARY INDIAMISSIONARY CATECHIST OF ST. THERESE OF THE CHILD JESUS PHILIPPINESDAUGHTER OF THE MIRACULOUS MMEDAL VIETNAMSISTER OF THE HOLY ANGELS SRI LANKADAUGHTER OF THE QUEEN OF THE ROSARY INDONESIABenedictine Sister of Christ the LightSisters of the DestituteDominican Nun of Our Lady of the Holy SpiritServant of the Most Holy Sacrament and of the Immaculate