Assisi Sister of Mary Immaculate –  Sister Tirzah Mariae, A S M I.

Founder:  Monsignor Joseph K.W. Thomas

Place:  Kerala, India

Year:  1949 A.D.

Her Charism:  This Sister responds to God’s call to radiate His compassionate love to the most rejected of society: leprosy patients, the deaf, dumb, and blind, the sick, needy, the suffering poor, and the mentally handicapped.  With the childlike confidence of St. Thérèse, the Little Flower, the Franciscan spirit of humility, simplicity, poverty, joy, and a universal sense of brotherhood, she contemplates and follows the poor humble Jesus Who emptied Himself  through the Incarnation and death on the Cross.  Her tender love and devotion to Mary Immaculate enables her to make extraordinary sacrifices and endure many difficulties.  This shepherdess cares, consoles, and heals those suffering souls as Jesus did and helps them experience the saving love of God and prepare them for His Heavenly Kingdom.

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