Seraphic Adorer of the Child Jesus

Seraphic Adorer of the Child Jesus –  Sister Veronica Rose of Our Lady of Miracles, S.A.C.J.                                                                                                                                                                                             “Venite Adoremus, Dominum!”  –  “Come, Let Us Adore Him, Christ the Lord!”   

   “Spiritual joy arises from purity of heart and perseverance in prayer.”   – St. Francis of Assisi                     “Jesus never sinned; yet He was crucified for you.”  –  St. Cyril of Jerusalem

Foundress:  Mother Mary Agnes  ( a former Poor Clare of Perpetual Adoration )

Place:  Marathon, (La Crosse) Wisconsin

Year:  2018 A.D.

Her Charism:  Simply put, this Sister’s vocation is Love.  It is a continuous divine romance as she comes as a seraph (angel) before the throne of God.  Her true joy is found in in Him Whom her soul loves.  Her contemplative life is dedicated to Holy Adoration of Our Eucharistic King, the Child Jesus.  Kneeling before Him, she intercedes for the Church, her priests, those who send her requests for prayer for their special needs and intentions, and for the entire world.  She lives a humble, simple, joyful Franciscan life, striving daily to grow in the virtues of the the Most Sacred Heart of the Divine Child Jesus.  The pillars of her contemplative life are both Eucharistic and Marian through devotion to the Child Jesus and the practice of the “Little Way” of St. Thérèse, the Little Flower:  the smallest actions done out of love are the ones that truly charm and console the Heart of Jesus.  This Sister sees His merciful love and deep humility becoming for her One so small and vulnerable.  Moved by this love, she desires to become the same for love of Him – a small vulnerable child with a seraphic spirit.  *The seraphs (“fiery ones”) are the angels closest to God and burning with love as they bow before God’s throne.  So, in childlike surrender, she prays.  She prays in reparation for the coldness of many souls with a seraphic spirit – an ardent holy love in a heart which seeks and sees God in all things and is bent on spending itself for His honor and glory.  The Blessed Virgin Mary, “Seat of Wisdom” and Mother of the Eucharist  is this Sister’s patroness.  She is consecrated to her and “hides under her veil close to Jesus for shelter and protection.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     “O, Jesus Little King of Love,                                                                                                                  I trust in Your Merciful Goodness.                                                                                                       Divine Child Jesus, bless and protect us.”

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