Dominican Sister of St. Catherine of Siena

Dominican Sister of St. Catherine of Siena –  Sister Evangeline of Our Lady of Grace, O.P.                                         One chapter in a wider story of the Dominican Family                                                                                                                Mottos:                                                                                     Laudere –  “To Praise”  (all God’s goodness an splendor)                                                              Benedicere –  “To Bless” (the wonderful promises and blessings from the Hand of the Lord)                        *a dominant attitude to bring the liberating message of the Gospel*                Praedicare –  “To Preach”  (with one’s whole life the Good News of Jesus and God’s grace)                               “Souls, souls. . . what will become of souls?” –  St. Dominic                                                                      Contemplare et contemplata alliis tradere –  St. Thomas Aquinas                                      “Contemplate and give to others the fruit of that contemplation.”

Foundress:  Mother Rose (Agnes) Niland, O,P,

Place:  Newcastle, Natal, South Africa

Year:  1896 A.D.

Her Charism:  Hers is a counter-cultural and prophetic witness of God’s love for His children.  The zeal for preaching, remaining faithful to the liberating message of the Gospel, and the salvation of souls lies at the heart of this Sister’s charism.  It is her life’s work as she wills for souls to become holy: to become who God is calling them to be..  Her main apostolate is education – a powerful and essential agent of evangelization.  It unties the search for the TRUTH Community, Prayer, Study, and Preaching are the four “pillars” of her Dominican life.  Following the Rule of St. Augustine, she seeks to live more fully her baptismal calling along with her vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.  By her Consecration she is called to be of “one mind and one heart” in the Lord.  Prayer is the center of this Sister’s life, deepening her awareness of the Presence and beauty of God.  This is in keeping with St. Dominic whose prayer was intense and constant.  Devotion to Mary the Mother of God through the Rosary is an integral part of her discipline.  The Study of Scripture and Theology transform her, compelling her to live the compassion of Jesus Christ and be a more effective preacher of the Good News of God’s grace and freedom.  This Dominican Sister brings to the Community her own unique talents and gifts, her history and experience, her hopes, dreams, and vision.  She integrates these and offers them for the service of wherever humanity’s needs are greatest:  the hungry, thirsty, sick, homebound, lonely, poor, marginalized and vulnerable in our society.  Her vocation nourishes the Church.                                                                                   “I am sure in all your apostolates, that the good works for souls and sacrifices must bring blessings to our Congregation.  All for God and God alone.”  –  Mother Rose, O.P.

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