Sister of St. Dominic of Blauvelt

Sister of St. Dominic of Blauvelt –  Sister Catherine Antonia, O.P. 

   A heart summoned by love in service to the poor and always hope-filled and courageous                                 balancing truth and charity in “active monasticism”                                                                                                    “To Praise, To Bless, To Preach”                                                                                                                      Motto:  “Veritas”  –  “Truth”                                                                                              “A Dominican without study is a stool missing a leg.”  –  St. Dominic                     

Foundress:  Mother Mary Ann Sammon, O.P.

Place:  Blauvelt, (Rockland County) New York

Year:  1890 A.D.

Her Charism:  This vowed and virtuous Dominican Sister is committed to bringing hope and mercy to all in need through education and staunch advocacy.  By following in the footsteps of St. Dominic who set the world afire through preaching and reaching out to the marginalized, she too responds to the sign of the times with compassion and a burning desire for Truth.   Her Dominican charism is rooted in the Gospel of Jesus and is expressed in apostolic service directed primarily to the poor and the rejected by society.  Prayer deepens her union with God.  She finds Him in attentive meditation on His Word in Holy Scripture.  The study of Truth is the motto of her Order which requires interior silence and discipline.  She shares the “fruits” of this study with all those she serves –  primarily through education plus a myriad of ministries which care for orphans, the homeless, mentally ill and addicted – the endangered and forgotten ones of this world.  The Eucharist is the heart of her life and the source of unity in her Community.  Like St. Dominic and her Foundress (who literally “came out of the cloister” to establish this Order) this Sister is free for God alone.  She lives simply, sacrificially, harmoniously, and humbly in the pursuit of the Prince of Peace Who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

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