Sister of Divine Grace
Sister of Divine Grace, Missionary of the Heart of God – Sister Mary Theckla Rose, S.D.G “Lord, help me to love beyond myself.” “If we remain little and obscure, God can do great things with us, and only HE knows what that might be.” – Mo. Mary Paul, S.D.G.
Foundress: Reverend Mother Mary Paul of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, S.D.G. “Bride of the Lord Jesus”
Place: Meridan, (Boise) Idaho
Year: 2013 A.D.
Her Charism: Divine Grace, by definition, IS the very life of God. It is the influence which operates in humans to regenerate and sanctify, to inspire virtuous impulses, and impart strength to endure trial and resist temptation. By embracing that with all her heart, this Sister seeks to set all hearts on fire with love for Jesus. Because Jesus is her Divine Spouse, this intimate union creates in her a desire is to make known to the world the healing love of Jesus Christ by living the Evangelical Counsels of Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience. Her Consecration is also lived through the ministries of healing prayer, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, spiritual direction, education, retreats, and parish ministry. Sustained by the Eucharist and Adoration, this Sister seeks holiness through the small and ordinary tasks of daily life and by willingly embracing the joys and sufferings of others. The Heart of Mary, intimately united to her Son, is her protectress and guide in learning to love beyond herself in the manner of her Son, Jesus. This Sister joyfully brings her own unique experiences, gifts, and skills to this Community which enables her to broaden her ministerial reach. Her vow is to create something new and beautiful for God with Whom she has fallen madly in love and to help others fall madly in love with Jesus Christ, His Son and her Beloved Spouse.