Missionary Servant of the Divine Spirit

Missionary Servant of the Divine Spirit  – Sister Dolores Marianela of the Angels, M.S.D.E                                                   Hermana  Misionera Sierva del Divino Espiritu                                                                                            “Pax et Bonum”  –  “Peace and Good”                                                                                                              “My God and My Everything”                                                                † The Community that is born at the breath of the Holy Spirit at a time when Its presence is richer and more sensitive in the eyes of the world.  It is He Who will teach us everything. †                                      ♥ Serving immigrants in Mother Cabrini’s footsteps ♥

Founders:  Monsignor Alfonso Uribe Jaramillo, O.F.M. Cap.                                                                                     Sister Blanca Ilivia Alvarez Rincón

Place:  La Ceja, (on the Las Olivas Farm) Antioquía,  Northwest Colombia

Year:  May 22, 1983 A.D.

Her Charism:  Driven by the Divine Spirit, and faithful to her vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, this Sister strives to achieve holiness.  Her fraternal charity (her greatest distinction) and Franciscan spirituality (a function of culture) gives new impetus to the Church, leading it to conversion and spiritual renewal by opening paths to fraternal communion, poverty and simplicity, joy and praise.  Called to be like salt that, while remaining “hidden” in food gives flavor, her mission is both contemplative and active.  As a person of deep prayer, she seeks to evangelize with the power of the Holy Spirit through testimony and word.  Under the protection of St. Francis of Assisi and St. Joseph (quiet and  full of love) she evangelizes in the poorest and most needy environments: to those who are distrusted, mocked, dismissed, and taken advantage of by society, and who are living in close quarters and therefore prone to disease.  She doesn’t just “preach” to the predominantly Spanish-speaking (Hispanic) families whose lives are a daily struggle with much anguish; she lives their story.  Never intimidated by toil or distance, she is present for immigrants everywhere – in the hovels, prisons, mines, and in the blueberry fields and apple orchards which provide low-wage seasonal jobs.  United with Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit, she prays that He performs a constant Pentecost in her life and fills her with light, holiness, and strength as she labors long hours alongside migrant farm workers in the fields, cares for them in their illness, educates them, and fights for their rights in the workplace.  With her devotion to the Holy Angels and her special gifts of being bilingual and multicultural, she brings people closer to the Church.  For her, this is not just a “nice goal”, but crucial for the universal Church.  With her motherly heart, which gives her no peace, this Sister reaches out and brings a different kind of spirit to the world which helps people understand our merciful and loving God.  She understands that fruitfulness is born of her love and deep commitment to Lord Jesus Whom she gazes upon, contemplates, and becomes radiant.

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