Dominican of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, San Rafael

Dominican Sister, San Rafael – Sister María Asunción de Jesús, O.P.
Dominican Sister of the Most Holy Name of Jesus
“Veritas Fax Ardens” – “Truth Is a Flaming Torch”
Foundress: Mother Mary of the Cross Goemaere, O.P.
Co-Founders: Reverend Sadoc Vilarrasa and Bishop Joseph Alemany
Places: Monterey, California originally; Benicia temporarily; and San Rafael presently
Years: 1851 A.D. (Monterey). 1854 A.D. (Benicia); and 1889 A.D. (San Rafael)
Her Charism: Originally founded to teach the children of the Gold Rush Forty-niners in California, this Dominican Sister is grounded in her past, with an awareness of the present, and a passion for the future. As a member of a vital international Order of Preachers that was founded by St. Dominic in the 13th Century, her life is an integration of contemplation of God and love of neighbor. To be a Dominican is a call to preach by word and deed. She is someone who is compassionate, committed, and dedicated to preaching the Good News of Truth, Love, and Justice she has received in Jesus Christ with others in an effort to address and help heal the critical issues of our times. Entrusted with God’s Word for others, she goes deeper and farther than mere “pulpit preaching.” This Dominican Sister is drawn to a ministry style that mirrors that of Jesus and the Apostles. – with depth and compassion. She is ready to move in response to the needs of the people hungry for God’s Word and His Mercy. In other words, she preferably goes where “living skins are starving and in need.” Following the Rule of St. Augustine, this Sister’s life, her prayer, her love of reflective study, and her charity permeate everything she does. Totally devoted, she extends God’s particular mission of love and truth primarily through education – where authentic values and academics join together to help develop great people; not simply great minds. The examples of St. Dominic and St. Catherine of Siena are her guides to life as a Dominican Sister who promotes peace and justice, and life with dignity. And she does it all with a tremendous generosity of heart and teaches others how to become co-creators and co-redeemers with Christ, building up His Body on earth.