Sister of St. Joseph –  Sister Marie St. Vincent de Paul, C.S.J.                                                                                                            “Ite ad Joseph”  –  “Go to Joseph”                                                                                                       “Que tuos soient un”  –  “May all be one”

Founders:  Jean-Pierre Medaille, S.J.                                                                                                                           Mother St. John Fontbonne

Place:  Le Puy, France

Year:  1650 A.D.

Her Charism:  This Sister’s desire is to reflect a perfect and profound love of God and neighbor without distinction and “with her feet on the street.”  Her mission is to work for unity and reconciliation wherever there is brokenness and to help people become whole and holy both individually and together.  Her “little design” (religious Community) and the people who compose it are totally absorbed and emptied of self in God and for God, leaving her to be all for her dear neighbor.  This Sister is the “heart of justice.”  There is a perfume to her presence as she serves in the traditional areas of teaching and nursing but she is also involved in almost any form of ministry available.

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