Sister of Charity of Nevers  –  Sister Bernadette-Marie de Lourdes, S.C.N.                                                                             Sororum Caritatis et Institutionis Christiane                                                                                 Congrégation des Soeurs de la Charité de Nevers                                                                                              “Deus Caritas Est”  –  “God is Love”

Founder:  Venerable Jean-Baptiste Delaveyne, O.S.B.                                                                      Co-Founders:  Marcelline Pauper, Anne Legeay, and Marie Marchangy

Place:  Saint-Saulge, France

Year:  1680 A.D.

Her Charism:  Like St. Bernadette, this Sister is sent to the scene of world history marked by poverty and exclusion and becomes a privileged and supreme witness to the tenderness of the Father and the charity of God.  She is that delicious touch of gentle humanity and comfort.  This Sister professes profound respect, dignity, and justice for and solidarity with the poor.  She also possesses a willingness to share all she has (physical, emotional, and spiritual energy and resources) through teaching and nursing with those threatened by a highly competitive society.  Her only concern. . . charity; her only interest. . . the destitute.  To help this Sister forge ahead with her mission, she clings to God and prays to St. Bernadette to “lend her her clogs.”

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