School Sister of Saint Francis –  Sister Mary Solanus Casey, S.S.S.F.                                                                                  “Music and art are integral expressions of spiritual life.”

Foundresses:  Mother Mary Alexia Hoell                                                                                                                           Mother Mary Alfons Schmid

Place:  Campbellsport, Wisconsin 

Year:  1874 A.D.

Her Charism:  Alive with the call of the Gospel and in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi, this Sister witnesses to the Good News of Jesus and the presence of the reign of God as she enters into the lives and needs of people, especially the poor.  She firmly believes that “in serving, she is served.”  This Sister understands the relationship between aesthetics and God and therefore has a particular sensitivity to the visual and performing arts.  Art is her DNA and thereby a significant part of her spirituality.  Education at all levels is the focus of this Community’s founding but that has expanded to include care for the sick in hospitals, orphans and neglected children, and a home for the aged and infirm Sisters.

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