Helper of the Holy Souls –  Sister Adèle Marie of the Five Sacred Wounds, H.H.S.                                                                                 “Apostolate of Purgatory”                                                                                                                              “My Jesus, Mercy!”

Foundress:  Blessed Mary of Providence  (Eugénie Smet)

Place:  Paris, France

Year:  1856 A.D.

Her Charism:  Pray, suffer, labor . . .Her mission, one of mercy, is to “go to the ends of the earth” to relieve and gain the release of the suffering souls in Purgatory who can no longer help themselves.  This Sister serves the needy, forgotten, and abandoned of this world  and offers her prayers, works, and sufferings for our departed brothers and sisters.  Consciously she lives the communion between the living and the dead believing that universal love and compassion cross all barriers and frontiers.  As a contemplative in action, a bearer of hope, a help in all manner of good fostering a greater awareness of our relationship with the whole of the cosmos. . . . meeting the mystical with the natural. . . .this Sister is called to be                        “the providence of Providence.”

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