Sister Servant of the Eternal Word –  Sister Grace Marie of the Merciful Redeemer, S.s.E.W.                                                   “Veritas, Caritas, Maria”  –  Truth, Charity, Mary”                                                                                           “She teaches spiritual things spiritually”

Foundress:  Mother Mary Gabriel Long

Place:  Birmingham, Alabama

Year:  1998 A.D.

Her Charism:  This Sister Servant is an active extension of Mother Angelica’s Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration.  She was born out of a contemplative spirit and a zeal for studying and teaching the Catholic Faith, whether it be through formal retreats or simple acts of kindness toward people she meets through the day.  Her spirituality and her traditional habit are combinations of both St. Francis and St. Dominic’s influence.  Since they are a perfect blend of poverty, a contemplative spirit and the study of Divine Revelation and Church doctrine, they were chosen as patrons of the Order.  The unity of their saintly hearts in Jesus Christ and their devotion to His Immaculate Mother typify the unity, love, and zeal that gave impetus to and sealed their friendship.  The charism of this Sister is the perfection of charity within the framework of a life consecrated to God.  She is dedicated to catechesis, retreats, prayer, evangelization and virginity.  Sometimes it is not the knowledge that is gained from study through which she catechizes as much as the simple witness of a life lived joyfully that is dedicated to God, wearing a religious habit, and the charity with with she treats all people.

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