Society of Our Lady of the Retreat in the Cenacle –  Sister Mary Joachim, R.C.                                                                                                    Cenacle Sister                                                                            She prays to live out the vision of God’s Goodness and the call to give all to the Good God.                                                “To make Jesus known and loved everywhere”

Founders:  Saint Thérèse Couderc   (Marie-Victoire Couderc)                                                                                 Reverend Stephen Termé

Place:  La Louvesc, France

Year:  1826 A.D.

Her Charism:  This Sister works for the  transformation of the world by awakening, deepening, and recognizing the power of the laity to be apostles and missionaries in the providence of everyday life.  The thrust of her charism is to make Jesus known and loved everywhere through prayer, community life, and ministry.  Her Congregation derives its name from the Latin coenaculum meaning, the dining room of the Upper Room where Jesus ate His Last Supper and where Mary and the apostles devoted themselves to prayer after the Ascension.  She serves the Church mainly through retreats, spiritual direction using the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, and through religious education.  The fruits of this two-pronged apostolate are to promote the nobility of Christian womanhood which can and should face the problems and evils of modern life unperturbed and unsoiled, because it is rooted in a faith that sees Goodness everywhere and evaluates all things in the clear light of eternity.

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