Canossian Daughter of Charity, Servant of the Poor –  Sister Carità Dolorosa, F.d.C.C.                                                                      Figlie della Carità Canossiane                                                                                 “To make Jesus known and loved because charity has no boundaries”                                              “The imitation of Christ Crucified that breathes nothing but charity”

Foundress:  Saint Magdalene of Canossa  (“The Prophetess of Charity”)

Place:  Verona, Italy

Year:  1808 A.D.

Her Charism:  As a courageous reconciler and joyful hope-giver, this contemplative apostle is a constant reminder that no human misery or poverty should be foreign to us.  Devoted to Our Lady Mother of Sorrows, this Sister seeks to feel as Jesus feels and lets every action of hers be animated by the Holy Spirit: “a spirit of charity, gentleness, zeal, and fortitude with a most amiable, most generous and most patient heart for His beloved poor.”  Above all, this Sister is prepared to go anywhere and do anything to make Jesus known and loved because charity has no boundaries and the human heart longs for the divine.  Through the ministries of education, evangelization, human promotion, Faith formation, and pastoral care among the suffering, she touches each person with the love of God – the Greatest Love. . . . . .Christ Crucified.

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