Sister of Life

Sister of Life –  Sister Marie Noelle of the Holy Infant, S.V.                                                                                               “To protect and enhance the sacredness of every human life”                                                                        “You are an image of God . . . . . irreplaceable.”

Founders:  John Cardinal O’Connor                                                                                                                               Mother Mary Agnes Donovan

Place:  Bronx, New York

Year:  1991 A.D.

Her Charism:  The charism of this contemplative-active Sister is to build a “culture of life.”  In addition to the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, and with the Eucharistic Lord in her heart, she embraces a fourth vow: to protect and enhance the sacredness and inherent beauty and dignity of every human life, wherever it is most vulnerable.  She desires that each person may experience the truth that they are “an original” – an unrepeatable and intentional creation of God and made in His image and likeness.  This includes those whom society is tempted to cast aside. . . . from the unborn, to the the aged, infirm, and handicapped.  Prayer forms the walls of her convent.  It creates a rhythm within which she assists pregnant women through counseling and visitation programs and works with those who have suffered an abortion by offering retreats.  Regardless of whether she is marching for Life or walking the streets of New York, this Sister is spreading the message and charism of Life and Love . . . . . . .  one heart at a time.

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