School Sister of Christ the King

School Sister of Christ the King –  Sister Kateri Anne of the North American Martyrs, C.K.                                                 “Ut Christus Regnet”  –  “That Christ May Reign”

Founder:  Bishop Glennon Patrick Flavin

Place:  Lincoln, Nebraska

Year:  1976 A.D.

Her Charism:  In the Kingship of Christ is found this Sister’s motivation for sanctity.  She lives entirely for Him and with Him at its very center.  She reflects His love, teaches His truth, and forms His image in souls in the schools of the Diocese of Lincoln.  Belonging totally to her Spouse, Christ the King, she desires to make Him known, loved, and a welcomed King in every human heart.  She reverences Christ as the King in the Crib, on the Cross, in the Blessed Sacrament, and reigning in Heaven.  Her vocation is marked by her love for the priesthood, the Eucharist, her zeal for souls through education, and her devotion to Mary, Queen and Mother.  A radical and vivid sign, she embraces the spirit of St. Alphonsus Liguori.  This Sister is devoted to the Passion of Jesus, her Crucified King, and strives through everything she does to comfort her Beloved Spouse upon the Cross.

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