Sister of the Holy Family, O.S.B.

Sister of the Holy Family, O.S.B. – Sister María Nieves of the Divine Child, O.S.B. Hermana de la Sagrada Familia, O.S.B. “De la familia, con los que tienen familia, por su familia” “About the family, with those who have no family, for their family”
Founders: Reverend Francisco Javier Gonzáles Esther Rodríguez Gutiérrez (Mother María del Calvario Josefa del Divino Prisionero, O.S.B.)
Place: Mexico City, Mexico
Year: 1919 A.D.
Her Charism: Rooted in God through the experience of the lifestyle of the Holy Family of Nazareth, this daughter of St. Benedict loves the Child Jesus in the abandoned youth. They are the children of Mary and Joseph and the almas de Dios (“souls of God”). She believes wholeheartedly that the presence of love transforms those whom she serves. She helps create a family for those who do not belong to one. In this way, she lives the Gospel and shares in the joy of evangelization. This Benedictine Sister’s Eucharist-centered life is one of love, simplicity, hospitality, total dependence on Providence and confidence in and devotion to the Blessed Virgin, especially through the recitation of the Rosary.