Disciple of Jesus of St. John the Baptist
Disciple of Jesus of St. John the Baptist – Sister Mary Jordan, I.R.S.J.B. “Caminar en comunión para anunciar a todos la alegría del Evangelio” “To walk in communion in order to announce to all the joy of the Gospel”
Founder: Reverend Augustín Rosa Torino
Place: Salta, Argentina
Year: 1986 A.D.
Her Charism: This Sister promises to be a disciple of Jesus, and to form a community of disciples for Him. She “accompanies the Lord in evangelization” and assumes the prophetic mission of St. John the Baptist by living the Gospel with simplicity of life and joy of heart. She proclaims the living and real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, lives her evangelical counsels (vows) bearing witness to the consecrated life, and denounces sin. Her active ministry includes visiting prisons, caring for the sick in hospitals, instructing children and adolescents in the Faith, and assuming pastoral responsibilities when a priest in not available. In her contemplative and eloquent silence, she promises never to abandon little Jesus Who was consecrated while in the womb of His Holy Mother.