Sister of the Company of the Cross

Sister of the Company of the Cross –  Sister Imelda María, H.C.C.                                                                                                      Hermana de la Compañia de la Cruz                                                                                                    “The glory of the Church in Spain”                                                                  With her characteristic humility St. Angela wrote: “The nothing keeps silent, the nothing              does not want to be, the nothing suffers all . . . The nothing does not impose itself or                    command with authority, and finally, the nothing in the creature is practical humility.”

Foundress:  Saint Angela of the Cross   (“Mother of the Poor”)                                                                                  (Maria de los Ángeles Guerrero y Gonzáles)

Place:  Seville, (Andalusia) Spain

Year:  1875 A.D.  (Feast of Our Lady of the Angels, August 2)

Her Charism:  The special purpose of this full-of-life Sister is to promote divine grace for the salvation of the souls of the poor, whom she considers and loves as “her lord and master,”  The doors to her convent are always open to those in need.  Because of her detachment, poverty, humility, integrity, austerity, and a strict adherence to a strong Franciscan contemplative spirit (sacrifice and devotion), this Sister is the “salt” in this world.  She feeds the hungry, clothes the naked, houses the pilgrims, visits the sick, and yes, cleans the toilet.  This Sister, (affectionately referred to as “an angel” by St. Angela) hangs from an empty cross “to be poor with the poor in order to bring them to Christ.”

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