Servant (Handmaid) of God’s Divine Mercy

Servant (Handmaid) of God’s Divine Mercy –  Sister Carolina del Sagrario                                                                                    “Song of joy from the tabernacle”                                                                                                        “Jezu ufam Tobie”  –  “Jesus, I trust in You.”

Founder:  Bishop Alojzy Orszulik

Place:  Rybno, Poland

Year:  2001 A.D.

Her Charism:  This Sister proclaims that Jesus is love and mercy personified, and that trusting abandonment to Jesus dispels the darkest clouds.  She prays that the mercy of God is welcomed into the hearts of men and spills over into the world.  With confidence in Mary, she follows Christ to be a sign and witness of His mercy in order to reconcile humanity with God so we can find true peace.  This Sister believes that Divine Mercy has its own face.  This face is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, stooping over sinful man, and feeding him with the sacrament of His Body and Blood.  It is the Face of our Brother Jesus Who waits for our hearts, our hands, and our conversion.  Trust in the infinite mercy of God is her song. 

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