Servant of the Divine Face

Servant of the Divine Face –   Sister Albertina Graciela of the Divine Image, S.D.R.                                                                                 Sierva del Divino Rostro                                                                                                     “María, our Star of Evangelization and our Patroness”

Foundress:  Mother Teresita Amparo Ortez

Place:  San Fernando, Nicaragua

Year:  1989 A.D.

Her Charism:  Always at the service of Jesus Christ and the Holy Virgin, this Sister practices the commandment of love of the Divine Master Who, as a Good Shepherd, lays down His life for His sheep.  As a servant of Christ she glorifies God and is faithful to her vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, and serves the neediest of His brothers and sisters on earth.  Her mission is evangelization by spreading the Gospel message to the poor and abandoned children in distress and in places where Jesus is unknown or ignored and where there are so few priests.

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