Missionary Sister of Hope

Missionary Sister of Hope –  Sister Mary Jude of the Angels, MIES                                                                                                 “Hermana Misionera de la Esperanza”                                                           “I must go by myself because the Author of Love, Who loves me, calls me to the poor.”

Founders:   Padre Álvaro de Jesús Puerta Herrera                                                                                                     Mother Emma Herlinda Ortega                                                                                                                 Mother Cecilia López Burgos

Place:  San Pedro de Iguaque, Colombia

Year:  1993 A.D.

Her Charism:  This gentle, sacrificial, compassionate Sister is a sacrament (sacred sign) of hope for the hopeless, the poor, and the marginalized in large cities.  She joyfully walks with them and lives with them so they know that God is near and that He loves them and will never abandon them.  He is the “architect” of their future.  Through the Holy Eucharist and personal sacrifice she offers herself totally to God, embracing all who society despises and dismisses.  This Sister has a special place in her heart for the unborn, for unwed mothers, orphans, and handicapped children.

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