Missionary of Divine Revelation

Missionary of Divine Revelation –  Sister Mary Hildegarde, M.D.R.                                                                                                 Missionaire della Divina Rivelazione                                                                                                                        The “Green Sister”                                                                                                               “The language and touch of God is reflected in art.”                                            †  The history of this Order began with the apparition of the Virgin of Tre Fontane in 1947 †                                                       “God bless us and the Virgin protect us.”                                                     Serviam”  –  “I Will Serve” – St. Michael the Archangel’s cry when God tested the angels

Founders:  Bruno Cornacchiola  († a converted ant-clerical Protestant  †)                                                             Mother Prisca Mormina  (“The Lord’s donkey” –  referring to herself)

Place:  Rome, Italy

Year:  February 11, 2001 A.D.

Her Charism:  Walking the streets of Rome, this Sister is an apostle of the Church who is dedicated primarily to catechesis, and embraces a vocation to bring men to faith through the eternal and profound beauty of art.  She believes that Beauty will save the world because it is a call to transcendence – a “song” of the soul.  Crazy about Jesus, she “buzzes” around the tabernacle like a bee, and loves Mary, and the liturgy.  By accompanying people on a journey through Vatican museums, cathedrals, abbeys and the catacombs, teaching them Church history and the story of humanity through art, they can see how God reveals His wisdom to all people.  Her goal is to bring about world peace through the conversion to the Catholic Faith through the Virgin of Revelation, the “Beautiful Lady.”  To Mary, the Star of Evangelization, she dedicates her life and desires to donate to Christ the third millennium generations and lead them to eternal happiness in Heaven.  This Sister thinks as the Church has always thought, loves as the Church has always loved, and wants what the Church has always wanted.  She guards the Word of God with love, spreads devotion to the Eucharist and Immaculate Mary, and serves her brothers and sisters through the catechetical apostolate.

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