Handmaid of Mary Immaculate

Handmaid of Mary Immaculate –  Sister Jane Marie de Chantal, A.M.I.                                                                                                  Ancilla Mariae Immaculatae                                                                                                             “Fiat Voluntas Tua”  –  “Thy Will Be Done”

Foundress:  Mother Mary Stanislaus                                                                                                                               Bishop Joseph M. Gilmore

Place:  Helena, Montana

Year:  October 13, 1952 A.D.

Her Charism:  This Handmaid is a model of total availability to God’s Will and joyful service to Mankind.  Drawing inspiration from Our Lady, her model, she radiates Jesus with her life.  She lives and works in imitation of the obedient, humble Mother of God by spreading the Gospel and promoting the Message of Our Lady of Fatima.  Her habit is a silent and holy witness of Our Lady’s colors: the blue tunic of Our Lady, and the brown scapular of Our Lady of Mount    Carmel (the sign of her Heart).  A Miraculous Medal is also worn in her honor.  She has a love for Mary and Jesus that is a fire within her.  It burns with a desire to communicate to others the need for reparation for the sins that have offended Mary’s Immaculate Heart.  She also prays and for the conversion of all sinners and for the conversion of Russia.  Her Franciscan simplicity and  humility combined with her Carmelite spirituality of prayer and littleness suggest that only simple souls form the delights of Mary Immaculate.  The primary objective of this Handmaid is her personal holiness overflowing into the apostolate of education and  the spiritual works of mercy in the spirit of Our Lady of Fatima.  She gives catechetical instruction to the Blackfeet Indians in their homes on their reservation and conducts parish summer vacation schools.  Her wish is to be holy in Heaven without raising dust on earth.

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