Franciscan Sister TOR of Penance and the Sorrowful Mother

Franciscan Sister TOR of Penance and the Sorrowful Mother –  Sister Maria Trinidad, T.O.R.        “To glorify God and make known His merciful love through prayer and works of mercy”

Founder:  Bishop Albert Henry Ottenweller

Place:  Steubenville, Ohio

Year:  1988 A.D.

Her Charism:  This Sister is a classic Franciscan who is dedicated to a consecrated life of unceasing prayer, contemplation, penance, poverty, and humility.  She serves God by making intercession, reparation, and atonement, begging the Lord to open the floodgates of His mercy.  Rooted in crucified love, animated and empowered by the Holy Spirit, and modeled after Mary at the Foot of the Cross, she offers her life to become a vessel of God’s mercy poured out for others.  In so doing, she proclaims the Father’s love and radiates the light of her Bridegroom so that all my be reconciled and brought into communion with God.

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