Franciscan Sister of the Renewal

Franciscan Sister of the Renewal –  Sister Mary Andrew of the Blessed Sacrament, C.F.R.                                        “Ecce Ancilla Domini”  –  “Behold the Handmaid of the Lord”                                                                                                    “Turn no one away.”

Founders:  Reverend Andrew Apostoli, C.F.R.                                                                                                             John Cardinal O’Connor                                                                                                                             Venerable Mother Lucille Cucrone, C.F.R.

Place:  Bronx, New York

Year:  1988 A.D.

Her Charism:  The aim of this contemplative and apostolic Community is to warmly live the Gospel values in simplicity and radical poverty according to the ideals of St. Francis as handed on by the Capuchin tradition.  By renewing her own spiritual life by strong Eucharistic prayer and joyful imitation of virtue, this Sister becomes a sacrament or “sacred sign” of peace and a Pro-Life witness – a true cheerleader for the Sisters of Life!  Her two-fold apostolic mission is hands-on work with the poor and homeless (soup kitchens, food and clothes pantries, home-visits), and the renewal or revitalization of the Church through evangelization (retreats, pro-life work, and inner-city youth ministry).  The lost she seeks out, and the strays she brings back to the loving embrace of God.  The back of the Cross on her rosary is empty because that is where this Sister belongs – with Jesus.

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