Eudist Servant of the Eleventh Hour

Eudist Servant of the Eleventh Hour –  Sister María del Pilar, E.S.E.H.                                                                                                     “To serve Christ and His Church”

Foundress:  Mother Antonia Brenner  (Mary Clarke)  † “The Prison Angel” †

Place:  Tijuana, Mexico

Year:  2003 A.D.

Her Charism:  This older and more mature (seasoned) Sister is a “new twig” that sprouted from an old tree of the extended spiritual family of St. John Eudes.  Her charism is mercy.  She loves Jesus and wants to follow Him by ministering to the poor and sick, the rejected, the forgotten, and the abandoned children of God, especially prisoners.  In her heart and in her life, she bears their pains and brings them unconditional love as she continues the life of Jesus on earth.  The “Eleventh Hour” is a Scriptural reference where Jesus calls the last.  This signifies that the Community is for older women ages 45 – 65 (an encore dedicated to Our Lord).  Her unique pectoral cross bears the Star of David.  This is because Judaism is the “caterpillar” and Catholicism if the “butterfly.”

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