Disciple of Jesus

Disciple of Jesus –  Sister Juana Diego of Our Lady of Guadalupe, D.J.                                                                                                       Discípula de Jesús                                                                                            “And He called us so that we will be with Him and to send us to preach.”

Founders:  Reverend Pablo Cárdenas Cantú, O.F.M.                                                                                                 Mother Isabel de la Cruz Crespo Ruiz

Place:  San Luis Potosí, Mexico

Year:  1978 A.D.

Her Charism:  This Sister’s name expresses her charism (a distinct spirit that animates a Community and is part of its permanent heritage): to be a disciple who follows Jesus, her only Teacher.  Called and driven by the Holy Spirit, she preaches the Good News joyfully through the performing arts, literature, and varied communication networks.  As part of the Church’s Charismatic Renewal, this Sister configures herself with the living Person of Christ, the perfect disciple of the Father, through prayer and contemplation, and constantly listens for His voice.  She shares His Fate, His Cross, and His Glory by imitating the virtues of Our Lady, the first and the perfect Disciple of Jesus and a reflection of the image of God.  Two passions consume this Sister’s heart: God, and the salvation of souls.  Her parish is her world.

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