Daughter of Divine Zeal

Daughter of Divine Zeal –  Sister Maria Pasqualina, F.D.Z.                                                                                                                                  Figli del Divina Zelo                                                                                              “Pray the Lord of the Harvest to send out workers into His Harvest.”                                                                                 “A vocation for all vocations”

Founder:  Saint Annibale Maria Di Francia  (“Father of the Orphans and Poor”)

Place:  Messina, (Sicily) Italy

Year:  1887 A.D.

Her Charism:  This Sister, who has a special devotion to the Eucharist and the Child Mary, is called by the love of God to live her baptismal consecration and journey toward perfect charity and her desire to save souls. The “Rogate pearl” (one of the riches of the Gospel) is to obey Christ’s command: The harvest is rich; the laborers are few . . Pray the Lord of the Harvest to send laborers into His Harvest.  This forms her distinct spirituality and “magnificent obsession.”  In addition to her vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, she takes a fourth vow: to willingly offer her life as a prayerful oblation to God, the Lord of the Harvest, so that holy priests and holy religious will increase in the Church to evangelize the poor.  She is a sign of Christ’s compassionate and tender Heart, as she lifts others from the mud and makes their beauty shine in the light of truth and grace.  A special attribute that is required of this Sister is that, in addition to being healthy and hardworking, she posses a sense of humor.

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