Community of St. John (the Evangelist)
Community of St. John the Evangelist – Sister Maria de las Mercedes, C.S.J.
“Ecce Mater Tua” – “Behold Your Mother”
Founder: Père Marie-Dominique Philippe, O.P.
Place: Fribourg, Switzerland
Year: 1975 A.D.
Her Charism: This Sister desires to follow Christ in the manner and spirit of the “beloved disciple” St. John, apostle and evangelist. She does this in order to give the Church of today, and to the whole world, evidence of the primacy of the love of the Heart of Jesus for Mankind. She insists on searching for truth and wisdom through philosophical and theological works and is totally consecrated to the Blessed Trinity, emphasizing adoration and silent prayer in community and the Eucharist. This Sister witnesses to Christ’s two-fold commandment of love and strives to unite contemplative prayer and evangelization. In this “new desert of Jesus” she lives in fidelity to Mary at the Foot of the Cross. It is here where she directly receives from Jesus the ultimate gift that is Mary, His Mother and ours. This Sister is the incarnation of a silent but joyful fraternal charity lived in communion with Jesus and intimately close to Mary. She completes her active apostolate by her merciful deeds and her teaching. Hers is a life given to Jesus through Mary and through Saint John.